Benefits of membership include:
- Discounted/No Cost Gang Training
- Membership with RCGIA improves a gang expert's court resume
- Membership makes a patrol officer / deputy more competitive when applying for a gang investigator's position within their department
2. Click & Complete payment:
3. Email completed form to:
RCGIA has members from:

President – Supervising Investigator Robert Kwan – Riverside DA
Vice President – Sergeant Bob Nishida - Hemet PD (Retired)
Treasurer – Senior Investigator III Mario Moreno – Riverside DA
Sgt-at-Arms – Investigator Gus Castaneda - Riverside County SO
Secretary - Senior Officer Kristen Dixon - Riverside County Probation
Training Coordinator - Commander Levi Bailey - Riverside DA (Retired)
Region 1 – Senior Investigator Cameron James – Riverside DA
Region 2 - K9 Officer Chris Crews - Beaumont Police Department
Region 3 – Senior Investigator III Dave Hankins – Riverside DA (Retired)
Region 4 – TBD
Region 5 – TBD
Region 6 – Sergeant Jason Gore – Riverside County SO
Region 7 – Detective Trevor Childers - Riverside Police Department
Region 8 – Detective Ryan Eddy - Corona Police Department
Region 9 – Correctional Deputy Cesar Chacon – Riverside County SO
Region 10 - Supervising Probation Officer Guillero Urquiza - Riverside County Probation
Over the years the RCGIA has awarded financial support to federal, state and local law enforcement officers and their families. RCGIA is a recognized 501(C)(3) charity (Tax ID number 36-5101202) . Whether it's a line of duty injury, health or fiscal issue, the RCGIA responds and delivers help to those law enforcement families members in need".
If you would like to make a donation, please click button below.

Memorial Funds
Handoyo "Trip" Triputra

Handoyo “Trip” Triputra was a Deputy Sheriff with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. “Trip” was hired in April of 2001, and was a dedicated Peace Officer who loved his job, and the community he served. “Trip” also loved his fellow brothers and sisters in the law enforcement community, and the camaraderie they shared. After working patrol at the Riverside County Sheriff’s-Jurupa Valley Station, “Trip” held positions with: The Moreno Valley Station-Special Enforcement Team/Gang Unit, The Riverside County Regional Gang Task Force, and worked as a Task Force Officer for the Drug Enforcement Administration’s HIDTA 50 Team.
“Trip” became ill in 2011, and was medically retired from the Sheriff’s Department in November of 2012. “Trip” passed away from complications of Cerebellar Ataxia on May 13, 2019. This memorial fund was established by “Trip’s” family, along with RCGIA, in order to assist injured officers, families of fallen officers, and keep our community safe.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please submit a form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.